Speed of Implementation
I think a major challenge that most of us have, myself included, is that we think we must learned every little detail about something before we can actually get started. I’m not sure if it’s a fear of failure or if it seems to complicated to do or maybe you grew up being told,”If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.”
The reality of the situation is that we need to know just enough to get started. Then we must immediately put it to practice in our life, relationships, and businesses. Through the act of putting this new found knowledge into play, you actually learn even more, you make mistakes that force you to continue learning, and most importantly you get the results you are looking for much quicker.
Here is an example of what I did with what I learned at the last Renegade Detroit Investor meeting. Our Speakers gave a great presentation on building fan pages. It included how to build simple fan pages, create a landing page, implement video into your fan page, setup rss feeds, setup blogs, and most importantly, give your vanity url.
I have never done any of this before in my life. I went home that night and implemented 90% of what they told me to do. I admit I got a little stuck so I had to wait until later that day to get some help. I say later that day because I was up till 4am in the morning. After a 10 min chat with our speaker, he answered a few of my technical questions and I finished the last 10%.
At this point it had been about 15 hours since the meeting. By 9pm at night, 24 hours after the Renegade Detroit Investor meeting I had 31 fans and my vanity url which was awesome.
The exciting part is I already have people interacting on my fan page and asking me questions. I feel that I will get some business out of this tool very shortly. All of this happened because I immediately implemented what I had learned.
I’m not saying this to brag. Personally, I need to be aggressive with my speed of implementation because I know that if I don’t start right away, it will be the project that never gets done. This is a challenge for me constantly with all of the demands on my time.
So for me to be successful, I must have a high speed of implementation.
Be a Renegade,
Jeremy Burgess
The Detroit Market Expert